
Degrees for creative people you can earn online or through a hybrid program


如果你喜欢坐在画架前创作一件艺术品, crafting the perfect plate or practicing your instrument for hours, you’re probably a pretty creative person with a passion for your projects. And, if you’re passionate enough, you might even want to take your 创造并将其作为一种职业.
有很多方法可以开始你的创造性职业生涯, 但如果你想回学校, you might consider the flexibility of an online degree program or diploma program or a hybrid degree program or diploma program, which combine aspects of online courses 和 in-person courses.1 At Remington College, we offer a number of degrees 和 certifications in this area.
在这里 is a sampling of online 和 hybrid programs we offer that could feed your creative abilities.

你有没有想过创造比自己更伟大的东西? 考虑接受AUTOCAD方面的教育. 根据 劳工统计局, drafters help bring the designs of engineers 和 architects to life by creating digital models of “everything from microchips to skyscrapers” through computer-aided design. PG电子平台的实践 CADD程序 combines artistry 和 technology while emphasizing practical experience 和 skills. Our AUTOCAD training is designed to prepare students for a position in architecture, 工程或其他相关领域.1

平面设计师负责 创造视觉和艺术概念 for a variety of industries including brochures, magazines 和 reports. 因为设计工作是一个重要的工具 用于销售产品, 许多平面设计师与广告商合作, 公共关系专业人士和市场营销人员. 在PG电子平台PG电子游戏在线平面设计学位 requires no prior formal training 和 covers design fundamentals, which could make it a great starting point for those looking to become a digital graphic artist. 1

你对食物和烹饪有热情吗? PG电子平台 烹饪艺术课程 in 孟菲斯,TN,可以帮助你成为一名厨师或私人厨师.1 Students enrolled in this hybrid program have the opportunity to study technique online then apply practical skills in cooking labs. This course covers the art 和 science of preparing a variety of appetizers, 酱汁, 还有甜点. 它的目的是帮助学生发展 skills needed for an entry-level position in the culinary industry.1

If you can’t stop the beat inside your head, you might consider enrolling in a music program. What better place to pursue this than at a music production school in 美国田纳西州纳什维尔? Nashville or “音乐之城” has been a popular music hub for many years. At PG电子平台纳什维尔校区, we offer a diploma in Beat Production 和 Recording Arts 技术. This hybrid program provides students the opportunity to study the fundamentals of digital beat production, 音乐创作和声乐制作.
